
Shelby County and Compact believe that an effective alcohol and drug prevention, intervention and education program consists of key partnerships and support systems with local community stakeholders. These stakeholders can include social service agencies, school districts, and local prevention and treatment providers.
Compact’s prevention initiative is implemented across Shelby County through collaborative community coalitions and education seminars. The volunteer prevention teams raise awareness and create change to help prevent youth substance misuse and promote mental wellness in their local communities.
Community Prevention Teams
Compact’s Community Coalitions educate, engage, and empower their communities at the local level to prevent substance misuse and provide resources to those impacted.
Compact’s most successful attempt at making a positive generational impact comes from building community prevention teams. Compact’s Community Coalitions are comprised of volunteers with a vested interest in the youth of their community and the prevention of substance misuse. While Compact initiates the creation of the coalitions and facilitates, the goals are determined by the team members. Action plans are created based on issues they feel are most important in their community. Compact is able to bring in available resources to help the teams achieve their goals.
Compact follows a proven model of successful community engagement created by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). Each partnering community has assembled a working team representing twelve sectors of the community: Parents, Business Leaders, Media, School Leaders, Youth Serving Organizations, Law Enforcement, Civic Organizations, Faith Leaders, Healthcare Professionals, Government Leaders, Substance Abuse Organizations, and Youth.
Additional Prevention Services include (but not limited to):
- Organize and support community prevention teams across the county
- Substance misuse prevention, anti-bullying and mental health activities for K-12 students
- T3: Teens, Tobacco, & the Truth vaping education classes
- School staff training regarding current trends with Shelby County teens
- Participate with schools in the promotion of national observances such as Red Ribbon Week, Mental Health month, substance misuse prevention, suicide prevention, Prom Promise, etc.
- Life skills classes for middle school students
- Student Advisory Board mentors
- Distracted driving interactive presentations at high schools
- Collaborate with other organizations to be aware of resources available to residents of Shelby County in addition to working with the organizations throughout the year on various projects
- Parent workshops and community seminars on a variety of topics including, but not limited to,:
- Youth trends – vaping, smoking, underage drinking, prescription medication abuse, substance misuse, bullying, sexting, social media, etc
- Mental Health – Anxiety and the teenage brain, coping skills, depression, suicide prevention
- Parenting – signs and symptoms of substance misuse, how to parent in today’s tech influenced times, laws, medication lock ups, prevention tips, available resources
Interested in joining one of Compact’s Community Coalitions – click here